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One Law for Them and One Law for Us – MP Sleaze: Today’s round up

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 13 November 2012

In today’s sleaze round up rwo former MPs are unmasked but because they were MPs evading all punishment. It is one rule for them and one for us. First up is Westminster nonce of the day. Okay he is dead so there is no hope of prosecuting him but it appears that the late Sir Cyril Smith, the morbidly obese former Liberal MP for Rochdale was a serial abuser of teenage boys. He was named as a paedophile in Parliament today and the evidence is now flooding out.

I think I named him on this blog a couple of weeks ago. I thought everyone knew. But what is apparent today is how the Police and the other politicians of the day had enough to deal with him and did not. And so he carried on abusing so ruining countless lives.

Second up is former Labour MP Margaret Piggy Moran who was found guilty of stealing £53,000 from the taxpayer by claiming expenses for things she had not actually bought. She has however been deemed to be suffering from severe depression and will not get a criminal record and will not go to prison. Nor will a woman who owns two houses be forced to pay back the £53,000 she stole from the taxpayer. I remind you that sitting in the House of Lords still is Baroness Uddin who stole £125,000 via false expenses. She owns three homes and has not yet paid a cent back.

Do you detect a common thread here? If it was you or I we would be forced to sell a house and repay the cash. If some other obese Northerner had abused boys on a serial basis the MPs and Police would have gone for him. It does appear that for the political class normal rules just do not apply.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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