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Photo article - supper in Kardamili

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 7 September 2018

This is just to make my pal Evil Knievil jealous. I found myself in Kardamili, Islington on Sea, to use an ATM and to buy Evil a very superior bottle of Greek red wine, to show the old wine snob that not everything produced here tastes of mouth-wash. far from it.

With a child unfiendly beach Kardamili does not attract families but older punters nearly all of them impeccably middle class. As such, the start of school has made not that much difference, it was still fairly busy as I arrived at nine. Cash and wine secured I headed to one of the cheaper, less ornate establishments just off the main square.

As ever. my poison is ouzo but as a real contrast to Miranda's up here in Kambos my food was a delightful salmon salad. Note the cracking presentation. This is not how one imagines food in Greece but this is Islington-sur-Mer after all.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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