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I’m sorry this is a quiet coach – standing up to the rapper

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 9 September 2018

By chance I found myself sitting in the quiet coach heading back to Bristol. Natch a few folks were on their phones and no-one kicked up a fuss. I was in the back sat and in the seat in front of me was a man, I guess in his thirties, unshaven drinking and playing, utterly crap, rap music, very loudly, on his tablet.

As we pulled into Bath there was a line of passengers facing me in the aisle waiting to leave. I exchanged glances with a couple of them, younger folks – even they seemed to think the music was either crap or just too loud or both.  And so I plucked up courage, leant forward and tapped the chap on the shoulder “Excuse me, this is meant to be a quiet carriage” – I pointed at the sign behind me.

There was a moment’s silence. Would he thump me?  No. He apologised sincerely and said he was just preparing for a gig tonight and switched the racket off. As they passed me on their way out, a couple of passengers nodded their approval – it’s clear we had all thought the same way but only I dared put the bell on the cat.

Rather charmingly the unshaven rapper then turned round twice more to apologise. I assured him there is nothing to worry about and wished him the best for his gig later on. I did not ask where I should go to hear more though I do wish him well.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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