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The FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh – now his accuser Christine Blasey Ford shows her true colours

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 29 September 2018

And so the Senate Judiciary Committee voted that the full Senate should appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the hit job on him from the Democrats. But then at the last minute a leading Democrat activist funded by George Soros corned a Republican Senator in a lift, blubbed about her #MeToo moment, and persuaded Country Club loser Jeff Flake to ask for a one week delay to allow the FBI to investigate the less than complete claims made by Christine Blasey Ford. Good news, bring it on.

You will remember that Ford had pushed back her own testimony by saying that she was scared of flying and had to drive to DC.  Then, as folks wondered at how she made it to Hawaii by car so many times for vacations, she flew to DC.

Her evidence to date, as I noted here, has more holes than Swiss Cheese and were she to take it to the cops it would not even get past the front desk. So let the FBI throw all it has at finding out of there is more. Let the FBI start by accessing the Ford counsellor files from 2012 which she shared with the, sympathetic, liberal press which printed highlights  but refused to let the Senate see as her, complete, story then was rather different from the 2018 version.

There is no crime scene as Ford can’t remember where or when this happened.  But there were four folks in the house who Ford has identified and all four (including a female lifelong friend of Ford’s) are happy to testify that they cannot back her up. The alleged co-groper, Mark Judge, is also happy to testify to the Feds. So this should be wrapped up soon. We are all happy right?

Either there is new evidence showing Kavanaugh is a perv in which case he is toast and Trump can nominate a new candidate.  This will be bad news for liberals as while Kavanaugh is unlikely to overturn Roe vs Wade a replacement is almost certain to be a female conservative who will not only strike out the current rules on murdering babies but also take a hard line position against gun control and on many other social issues.  I have no problem with this outcome.

Or the FBI , having done 6 investigations into Kavanaugh already, finds no new evidence in which case Ford has proved nothing other than that she was played by the Dems in a political hit job to stand up and tell a story that just did not hold water. That would destroy Dr Ford and we should pray for her as she would then be seen as the real victim of Dems who will face a real backlash at the mid-terms. Kavanaugh would then be approved to SCOTUS.

So what is to object to? It seems the only one objecting is Dr Ford herself who was formerly demanding an investigation., She now says she wants the scope widened and far more time allocated to it.  That is odd. When the Ford issue was raised very late in the approval process after the Dems sat on the dossier for weeks and weeks, we conservatives said that the aim was to delay approval till after the mid terms. Dr Ford said it was just a personal matter for her to get justice. How laudable. 

Well now it is no longer personal she wants the scope widened to allow checks on any old fruitcake with Trump Derangement syndrome who wants to make up a spurious claim about Kavanaugh to be checked out.  And that would clearly delay the final vote until after the mid-terms when, as a staunch Democrat, she hopes the Senate will have changed hands. If Ford thought her own claims were water tight she’d see no need to widen the scope and she knows that the FBI with all its resources can interview the few folks who need inter viewing in just a couple of days.

Ford’s reaction to the FBI enquiry is not going to impress any neutrals. But let’s not pre-judge anything. I am happy to leave that to those with Trump Derangement Syndrome who have already found Kavanaugh guilty, ignoring all presumptions of innocence and the lack of any verifiable evidence. Those acting in that way will themselves be judged harshly come the mid-terms.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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