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Two women sexually assaulted by penis owning “Karen White” thanks directly to the transgender madness that has infected the Tories

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 12 October 2018

Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.

As Stephen Wood this vile individual has a lifetime of rapes and assaults against both women and children behind him. In September last year Wood was held on remand after his latest crime but insisted that he was a woman and wanted to go to a women’s prison and the authorities accepted his request.

I use the word his because Wood has a penis. The Guardian and others use the word her because Wood – or Karen White as he/she wants to be known – says he is a woman. Anyhow, thanks to the useless Tories and their desire to virtue signal at every turn this monster was sent to a women’s prison where he promptly sexually assaulted two inmates. Why allow this folly? 

In 2016 the Government concluded that the treatment of transgender people in the criminal justice system had not kept pace with "wider social views". While the 2011 guidelines had emphasised the role of GRCs and medical interventions, the report noted that many transgender people successfully lived their lives without these. The new policy needed to “take as its starting presumption a wish to respect someone in the gender in which they identify”.

So up until 2011 if you had a penis you went to a man's prison. From 2011-16 a doctor's note could get you into a women's prison with your penis. But now all you need to say is that you identify as a woman and you can take your penis straight to a women's prison.

This is insanity. The idea that someone with a penis (with or without a history of violent and sexual crime) can go to a women’s jail or use a changing room with your 13 year old daughter or swim in a women’s pool might be  in line with “wider social views” in the left wing Madrassas of the British university system. Or in the Guardian Editorial meeting or among folks like Theresa may and Amber Rudd at the top of what used to be the Conservative party.

Out there in the real world we are just not that daft. Sadly for two inmates at New Hall prison Wakefield now recovering from sexual assault, it is not the sane 95% but an out of touch 5% elite who get to set the rules.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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