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Photo Article: Woodlarks Training Walk Number 2 - the half way point reached - banana bread is my reward

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 4 March 2019

Thanks to a little confusion on my part, which resulted in me wandering around the area close to Temple Meads for an extra half mile, the half way point on my second training walk for the 33 mile rogue bloggers for Woodlarks trek in May, was what I know as Lucian's breakfast joint.

When Mr Miers and I did a training walk last year along this route, the sun was shining and the cafe at Walmley Junction in the old railway station was packed. Indeed when I trained by walking the Bristol Bath railway path last summer, it was always swarming with other walkers, dogs and cyclists. With the wind blowing hard and the rain pelting down, my walk yesterday was a rather more solitary affair.

You may say that the cycle path is quite easy going but for the first few miles it is steadily uphill, albeit on a gentle slope and depressingly after about five miles you are still in Bristol. But eventually you cross over the ring road and break out into open countryside before heading into Walmley where the cafe was deserted but, to my surprise, open. A warm cup of tea, some banana bread and a chance to use the facilities was my reward as I contemplated the miles that lay ahead.

I cannot say that I was really enjoying the walk, given the weather, but train I must as the 33 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks are unforgiving and May 25 looms ever closer on the horizon. I think we may now have a 9th and possibly up to 11 rogue bloggers pledged to do all 33 miles. I know I was not the only one training yesterday. We are raising money for an outstanding cause so please take two minutes to read why we walk and make a donation HERE

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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