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Martin Wickham – Mad Hatter & Vialogy shareholder

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 23 November 2012

I have really enjoyed writing about AIM Listed Vialogy (VIY) this week. Nailing a chairman for telling a lie is fun although why he told such a pointless lie defies belief. But on the basis that the company is a worthless, loss making heap of junk that has never delivered and that the chairman, is clearly ramping its stock as it tried to get away its 10th placing since 2007 (a well paid board needs supporting) I liked penning the pieces.

I explain why Vialogy is a screaming short HERE

I nail the chairman for the great Ronald Reagan lie HERE

The reaction when you have a go at companies like this is always the same. At first there is real anger on Bulletin Boards as the believers (those who have bought and bought at every lower prices, calling the board by their first names or initials and regard any criticism as blasphemy) lash out. They do so by attacking the bear writer. His record, stocks he got wrong, anything. They do so often without reading the piece. It was like that with Sefton in the early days. The comments at the bottom of the Reagan piece are a scream: I think my faves are

IStock “leave bob and vialogy they haven’t hurt anyone and are doing fine just
because of your biased article I am going to invest in vialogy tomorrow !
they do not need to prove anything to you ! vialogy one day will become a billion dollar market cap company !

and bob “You sir, are a cock. You are heading to the courts. Bon chance nob head x

But gradually as you are proved right and the awful truth emerges the anger shifts from the critics to the board as folks realise that their cash has gone not to create value for shareholders but to support grossly overpaid directors. It has now happened with Sefton. It will happen with Vialogy. But right now the abuse is all aimed at me. Bring it on. See if I care.

One total loon is a chap called Martin Wickham who has now sent me a string of emails. I really do think this fellow is on another planet. Before I get my next email (to which I will respond as I have responded to all his emails) I share with you the allegations he made.

1. I have a grudge against Vialogy which is why I wrote the pieces.

er…why? I have never written about them before Wednesday and never thought about them until this week’s obvious ramp. I wrote because I like exposing PLC rampers and liars. It was fun doing the research, I got to crack a couple of good jokes in the articles (well the Reagan one anyway) and it earned me a few bob as a writer. Keep reading Martin.

2. But you did write about them before, you tipped them in Penny Share Guide in 2009 – Mike Walters says so.

er…I have never written for Penny Share Guide in my life. I have not written for its owner FSP (I think FSP owns it) since August 2000.

3.So you have a grudge against Mike Walters and that is why you are bashing Vialogy.

er.. I have not spoken to Mike in years or read his site for years and have no idea what stocks he follows nor do I care. As it happens our last email exchange was a very friendly one after the West Ham Millwall game a few years ago. I hope Mike is keeping well.

4. So you must be short then I have never shorted a stock in my life and would declare a position if I had one.

5. But you are lying about something. I checked your twitter photo and it looks much younger than ones from three years ago. A man who doctors his photo must be a liar.

er… well I have lost a lot of weight ( one third of my body mass), so I look younger. The twitter photo was taken by a hairdresser in Athens in August. Do I need to get an affidavit from her to prove it?

I think when it gets to the stage where folks start to compare your photo on twitter with one from old websites so as to show that you must be a liar you rather know that they have taken leave of their senses.

But Old Martin is not finished yet. He says he does not use share tipsters but wonders if I would mind giving him a personal alert service if I write about Vialogy again.

Er… so he wants me to spend my time sending personal alerts (without charge) to a bloke who thinks I do not know what I am talking about so dismisses my views and thinks I doctor my photos and will soon, no doubt, accuse me of being part of a great conspiracy involving events at Rothwell, Elvis Presley, the CIA, Jimmy Savile and the Freemasons. And then he will send me another abusive email as a reward.

If Martin wishes to fill his boots with Vialogy that is his call. I really do not care two hoots. But I do rather worry for his basic sanity. He has now admitted to being a Mad Hatter. In his view that means that he supports Luton town. I read it rather differently.

Incidentally do you know where the phrase “mad as a hatter” comes from? In the old days hat makers used to use mercury to “cure” hats. This gradually sent them mad as Mercury does that to you. Hence the phrase “mad as a hatter”.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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