The pool filled up a bit more overnight although the water pressure in the pipes coming up the mountain is still low. But the water which does come out has been heated in metal pipes for three miles and is lovely and warm. My lodger here back in 2014 when we had just one habitable room and used to shower under a hosepipe rigged up on a trellis, used to say that the experience of that water was “better than sex”.
I think that was an exaggeration or perhaps just a rather bad reflection on the quality of her sex life. But it is a wionderful temperature and as you can see below, at 10 AM today the pool was that bit more full. At the shallow end it is three inches deep, perfect for Joshua to wade into. At the “deep end” you can just about swim, it is perhaps two and a half foot deep. Anyhow, Joshua the Mrs and I ventured in. It was amazing. The waters were cool, perfect in this heat, but not too cold. The pool has been “christened” and should be full by, I think, Monday morning, maybe a bit sooner.
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