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I give you the email address for Rotherham Stasi child snatcher chief Joyce Thacker

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 24 November 2012

My hope is that on Monday morning Joyce Thacker will be clearing her desk at Rotherham, fired without compensation for removing kids from foster parents just because those parents voted UKIP. My guess is that either she will not be fired at all or will resign with a vast payoff. That is the way the State sector operates. No responsibility just gravy all the way: success or failure.

Assuming that she is still at her desk I have sent her an email with my thoughts. I hope that every one of you does the same

Her email address is

My email reads:


You are a disgrace. My hope is that you are fired before you read this but if not here are a couple of articles I wrote about you this weekend

Thought crime in Rotherham Social Services 2012 (1984 is finally here) – the UKIP Foster parents .

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal .

Since they do not appear in the Guardian your might have missed them. I would not want you to miss out.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith.

PS. If you do get a huge payoff as a reward for your utter failure and crass stupidity I suggest that you renivest £4.25 of it in a new e-book published yesterday on the increasingly authoritarian state of the UK today. It really is very funny and makes a good point or two. “Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe, Though crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here“ can be ordeerred direct from publisher Harriman House HERE.

I wonder how big Thacker’s email inbox will be by Monday?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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