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Malcolm Stacey I thank you for solving an annual problem

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 15 November 2019

As is always the case it is almost impossible to find in the local shops an Advent calendar that does not contain chocolate and which has even a fleeting reference to what the word Advent actually means, viz “the coming” of Jesus.

You want a picture of Santa and his masturbating elves? No Problem. Doors which reveal cheese, alcohol, condoms, behind a picture of garish consumerism: no problem. But Jesus? Mary? Joseph? Angels & Shepherds? Wise Men and all that malarkey? Forget it.

To be fair, I did find one in my local garden centre store which had a nativity scene of sorts with chocolates. But can anyone remind me which book of the gospel had a lion and a giraffe hanging out in the stable with all the other animals?

And thus I find myself having to go online to a site recommended by my ShareProphets colleague Malcolm Stacey. The calendar ordered HERE has yet to arrive but I am sure it will and is just the job for Joshua.

Footnote: It has arrived. What a superb service.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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