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Two faced Deluded Lefty of the Day- Councillor Chris Roberts: leader of Greenwich Council & Latvian Tall ship enthusiast

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 26 November 2012

Every day some bleating lefty from local Government is quoted on how the wicked Tories are savaging front line services by cutting their budget. Well a) they are not and b) the way the same folks find ways to piss away the cash they do have is just amazing. Today’s two faced deluded lefty of the day is Councillor Chris Roberts, the long serving leader of Greenwich Council in London. Labour ‘natch.

What Comrade Roberts says:

As they agreed a round of budget cuts in 2011 Councillor Roberts stated they had agreed : “a robust budget“ but there was a “ticking Tory timebomb underneath it.” He droned on that the proposed budget will “protect the frontline” but “it is a budget that will come under increasing strain as Tory policies bite hard.

What Comrade Roberts does ( according to the local paper):

The Tall Ship conference in Riga saw Greenwich Council leader Councillor Chris Roberts joined by chief executive Mary Ney; director of culture, sport and media Katrina Delaney and two other high-ranking officials. Flights and accommodation cost £1,143.10 each for the two-day global International Sail Training and Tall Ships conference from November 16 to 17. A Greenwich Council spokesman said the conference built on the success of Sail Royal Greenwich this summer which brought 14 Tall Ships to Greenwich and attracted 12,000 people and 1,500 business hospitality visitors.

That these 5 folk go on such a jolly at all is a disgrace. But I also question the exact cost. You can fly from Stanstead to Riga on a Friday coming back on a Sunday for less than £100 return with RyanAir. The 5 star Grand Palace hotel in Riga costs £114 per night. So just how on earth did the Council manage to rack up such an enormous bill for this utterly indefensible jolly?

It is a hard life fighting those wicked Tory cuts Comrade Roberts, is it not?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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