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New Tom Winnifrith video – shooting up Google rankings

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 18 July 2012

I check out Tom Winnifrith as a google search now and again just in case my new pal, pouting hackette Anna White has been a naughty girl again. And in the past few days I see shooting up the rankings a new video by Tom Winnifrith. Since I have not recorded anything for a while, this came as a bit of a shock until I discovered that like quite a few other google entries it refers to my Dad, the old silver surfer himself (Dr) Tom Winnifrith.

The video, discovering Albania, is actually from 2002 and seems to have been cut together in a loop but seems to be playing at the top of an Indian newspaper and getting some hits. Should you watch, my father is the one who looks like…. a mad professor. The rather posh sounding woman discussing her matriculation from St Anne’s is my step mother Helen. She is also my father’s second ( or is it third cousin) and is indeed from the poshest part of the family. He first took her out to the opera when she was an undergrad at St Anne’s as older cousins do for younger cousins 45 years ago. They did not meet again for another 20 years. And then they met at a mutual cousin’s wedding 25 years ago, took her to the opera again and the next thing I knew they were getting married in Malmesbury Town Hall.

Now that Tom Winnifrith senior has worked out how to use Skype and email, I am sure it will take him less than half an hour to work out where the play button is on the video below. Oddly, I watch the video looking out over the sea on…Albania.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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