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Sir Arthur Vicars, an innocent murdered by the IRA on this day in 1921 and still the Fenian scum celebrate

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 14 April 2020

As you can see below, the Fenian scum are today celebrating their murder of an innocent man 99 years ago. He is a man I feel some bonds with. For the Fenians of IRA/Sinn Fein I feel a mixture of revulsion and pity. How can one glory in such an act?

Sir Arthur was born in Leamington Spa where I grew up. Like my mother, his mother had been married before marrying his father, in the acse of Vicars to an Irishman and Arthur had two Irish brothers with whom he got on very well and with whom he spent much time in Ireland. After finishing school (Bromsgrove) he moved to Ireland in 1880 and genuinely loved the country as do I.

His profession was, the same as that of my great Grandfather Sir Arthur Cochrane whose portrait hangs in the living room here at the Welsh Hovel and who was also of Irish lineage.

In 1920, 100 IRA volunteers stormed the house where Vicars lived in Kerry which was owned by one of his brothers. Their aim was simple: to steal anything of value. A year later 30 IRA men returned, on this day, the 14th April, dragged Vicars from his bed and claiming, falsely, that he was an informer, shot him in front of his Irish wife.  Vicars was no informer simply a victim of folks seeking not only an Irish Republic but also an ethnically pure land. To them Vicars was just a “Brit” in the wrong place who needed to be rooted out as were so many others as part of an ethnic cleansing some poor hate filled souls in SinnFein/IRA still celebrate today.

His death was no assassination for he held no position of power. It was plain and simple ethnic cleansing, It was cold blooded murder. by evil men.



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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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