The Day is an online newspaper which targets school kids, founded and edited by Fleet Street great and good member Richard Addis. It comes with the full endorsement of the Department of Education. But why is this, supposedly Tory, Government urging kids to read such hate filled filth.
The lead story today is:
Trump announces a ‘surge’ of stormtroopers
Is the US sliding into fascism? President Trump’s plan to send a surge of federal security forces to US cities in a crackdown on crime has been denounced as a threat to civil liberties.
If Mr Addis lived in downtown Portland, my guess is that with ANTIFA led anarchy on the streets stopping any enforcement of basic laws, he might want troops (not stormtroopers) sent in to restore order. The real threat to civil liberties comes from a complete breakdown of law. Two of my daughter’s godparents only have small families, as most of their relatives were put into gas chambers by fascists. In suggesting that Mr Trump is like Hitler, this rag demeans the memory of the six million. This is not a message for children and it is hardly balanced reporting.
But what should be on the front page, is in fact hidden away in a PDF so that google search engines will struggle to find it. I reproduce below a grovelling apology to JK Rowling which The Day has had to publish as it pays big damages. It sought to close down the trans debate with a vile smear on JK and in urging a boycott of her books to end her career. At every level this is poor form, and not the sort of message that kids should be sent on how to think about free speech and how to behave.
Companies house shows that The Day is perennially loss making, cash burning and as of 31 August 2019, having sent another £20,000 a month to money heaven in that financial year, had negative net current assets of £272,581. In other words, without further bailouts from Addis and his fellow directors, it was bust.
Are you happy that the Government is urging kids to read a publication engaging in hateful campaigns against JK Rowling and others not pursuing its woke agenda, and which insults the memory of holocaust victims with its twisted news agenda?