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Ben Bradley MP: The Tories replace competence and freedom with populism, c’mon you Blues

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 23 September 2020

And so yet more measures are introduced with no scientific basis to destroy our economy and wreck our civil liberties by this wretched Government. And as the Tories revel in their role as the enemies of a free press and destroyers of liberty, there is a new game in town: idiotic populism.

Ben Bradley MP has today called on the Government to rally round to support Championship, Division One and Two football clubs which, as they cannot now have spectators, might face financial problems. No doubt this will be a popular measure. But why on earth should we taxpayers offer support to such teams?

The UK average wage is £29,000. The average player in division two earns £40,000 and the average in division one earns £69,500 and in the Championship it is almost £250,000 a year. In every other industry suffering from the Government’s bonkers covid restrictions, firms are laying off staff and cutting wages. Soccer teams could cut squad sizes and could cut wages but Mr Bradley thinks that soccer must be treated differently by getting taxpayer cash.

Why on earth should we plebs, via our taxes, subsidise companies that pay their staff so generously? But, of course, that is not how most folks think. The mob in Rome never figured out that in the end it was they who stumped up the bill for panem et circenses and Mr Bradley and his colleagues calculate – rightly I fear – that folks in 2020 Britain will make the same mistake and just assume that it is the nice Tories finding a few money trees to ensure that a “community” asset can maintain the wages of its kickball players.  Expect more populist gestures of this sort to distract us all from the misery of mass unemployment and crushing of freedom.

Naturally, the oafish lad Bradley has tweeted about his idea for stealing more of my cash: 

Following my PMQ this lunchtime on support for EFL</a>&#160;clubs losing their gate receipts, pleased to see&#160;<a class="css-4rbku5 css-18t94o4 css-901oao css-16my406 r-1n1174f r-1loqt21 r-1qd0xha r-ad9z0x r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0" dir="ltr" href="" data-focusable="true">premierleague looking to work with clubs, and discussing ways to help. Clubs are the heart of our communities #Stags#COYS @mansfieldtownfc


Mr Bradley is of course MP for Mansfield. #Comeonyoupopulisttossers 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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