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Will you please wear a mask at the nursery gate (in the total open air) said the sign. Hell No!

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 30 September 2020

Joshua’s nursery is in England which is a blessing as it re-opened well ahead of institutions back here in the second world on this side of the border. And it means that although we go into Welsh lockdown on Thursday, I am going to be allowed to sneak over the bridge to take him to the nursery in free England.

From the time we did go back, the nursery had adopted a policy that we must drop off and pick up the kids not at the classroom or even at the front door but at the gate on the edge of the playground, one parent at a time. Whatever.

The gate is, as you might imagine, very much in the open air.

But now a sign has gone up telling parents to wear a face nappy at the gate. Natch, I am refusing and not even all the staff seem to be sticking to the rules. Those that do, come out of the building, reach into their pocket with their ungloved hands, get out a face nappy, wear it to meet a parent, then reverse the process as they wander back inside. Do that 40 times a day and I suggest to you that any hygiene benefits that the mask did once endow (i.e. sod all) will have been utterly eliminated. I would be delighted if the science behind this process was explianed to me.

The whole thing is just so utterly pointless, yet meekly I see most parents obeying the new diktat.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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