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85% of way to target after 40 hours: Tom Winnifrith’s Woodlarks Christmas Appeal – if you can be generous please be generous

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 27 November 2020

I know that readers of this website have given so much to Woodlarks over the years. This summer the Rogue Bloggers walk saw us raise enough to ensure that this amazing charity will not go bust despite the lockdown which has been a disaster for it.  Activities are still massively constrained and the Christmas Grotto which brings unbelievable pleasure to 200 severely handicapped or very ill kids each year will have to be a virtual one this year. But it will still cost a few quid…

Now I know that for some this year has been a financial nightmare and from you I ask merely for your prayers that what I now ask is successful.

However, many of us have made money in the stockmarket this year or have not been affected financially by lockdown. To those lucky enough to be in that position, my aim is to raise just £3,500 and I ask for your help today.

I explain where the money will go and how you can donate HERE

If you can help in anyway myself and Nick Richards and the amazing team of volunteers at Woodlarks would be incredibly grateful. Thank you to all who have donated so far. After 40 hours we are at 85% of our target please keep giving until we hit the target

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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