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Matt Hancock must ban Stairs across the UK now to protect the NHS as "fascists" quote NHS stats that don't fit the Ministry of Truth's approval

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 29 December 2020

The data below record the number of deaths of folks under 60 since the start of the year who did not have any underlying health issues. As you can see, Covid claimed 377 such lives. But 655 people died from falling down stairs. This is simple: we must protect the NHS even if it causes the economy to crater. When will Matt Hancock ban stairs across this land, or make it a criminal offence to use stairs? Will the Old Bill have license to enter folks’ homes to impose fines of £10,000 if they suspect that people might be using stairs?  And if not, why the hell not?


Meanwhile, I see that reporting statistics produced by the ONS is now an act of fascism and anyone doing so, if those stats happen to upset the narrative of Big Brother and a State which loves us all, is a fascist and should be no platformed at once.  The chap making this salient and important observation has now deleted his Twitter account, no doubt as a result of alt right freaks and Russian bots not respecting this bravery as they should. However, it links back to a Facebook account of Scottish Lib Dem candidate so at least Mr Graham can continue his fight for liberal values and freedoms elsewhere.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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