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The 10 most popular podcasts by Tom Winnifrith from 2020

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 1 January 2020

 A bit of history for woke morons and a lot of lockdown scepticism based on hard facts, feature often in my 10 most listened to podcasts from the year just ended.  

  1. Tom Winnifrith podcast: I’m now self isolating as my daughter gets Coronavirus and why the Government statistics are total fantasy
  2. Tom Winnifrith podcast: saying what no one dares to say about Coronavirus
  3. Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast number three – what would my late Uncle Christopher Booker have made of the pandemic?
  4. Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast number four- have up to 50% of us caught it already? Not even an expert like Richard North knows
  5. Tom Winnifrith postcard: A journey through England as Coronavirus madness stalks the land in July 2020
  6. Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 5 – the dodgy data of the Mob who will not brook NHS criticism and who insist PPE blunders are killing doctors & nurses
  7. Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 6 – BAME folk are suffering far more than whites, the conspiracy theories and the data
  8. Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 7 – The data from Sweden shows that the dire warnings from the British Political & Media class were just a GroupThink lie
  9. Tom Winnifrith podcast: Rule Britannia, lies, the BBC and what it all really means in a historic context
  10. Podcast: The darkest day for democracy in the dark year of 2020 – Facebook & twitter cover up for disgraced Hunter Biden and his complicit Dad Joe
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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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