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Things that you give you Covid in Mad Mark Drakeford’s lockdown Wales, No 765: sledges

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 1 January 2020

It has not yet snowed this winter in the last village in Wales. Apparently the global warming was deep, crisp and even just 15 minutes away among the accursed English infidels on the other side of the border. And in the hills above Wrexham, the global warming was deep enough to allow folks to go sledging. And thus, my neighbour C took her young daughter up to the Horseshoe Pass where she always used to go sledging when she was a girl.

Others were of a similar mind but when C arrived, there stood two rozzers in high vis jackets telling every car to turn around and ordering folks to go home. Surely, as a mother drags her four-year-old across the snow or hops on for a gentle run, she will be socially distanced from folks outside her “bubble.” She will be in the open air. But no, here in the Wales of Mark Drakeford where Covid cases soar ever higher as each new utterly pointless, fun sapping, business-wrecking new measure is implemented, we, the people, are ground further and further into the dust.

Drakeford will insist that every new measure he implements, everything he orders the rozzers to enforce is necessary because “it is what the science dictates”. Of course, so far all the measures and orders to the Old Bill have achieved sweet FA and so a rational sensible person would start to question the scientific advice received. But this is Mark Drakeford who is certifiably insane and so on it goes.

As we start 2021, perhaps Mr Drakeford can redeem himself with an answer to this simple question:

“Why does the use of a sledge in the open air spread Covid?”

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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