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Commie journalist Ash Sarkar, the darling of the BBC - a fail for logic on Tom Moore

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 3 February 2021

Of course she can say what she likes. But equally I hope that I am still allowed to point out that she gets a logic fail with her Tom Moore tweet. To give Ms Sarkar enormous credit, she did not start off with the sort of cliched 140 character eulogies which almost every other celeb, journalist and politician sent out, meaningless piffle designed to make them look good rather than to provide actual comfort to the late Captain Moore’s family. 

Ms Sarkar’s point is that many, usually on the right, who praised Captain Moore have spent the past year saying most folks who died of Covid were old and frail and so probably not long-dated stocks anyway. She seems to think that they cannot say both things. Given that Moore was 100 and had contracted another disease (pneumonia) before testing positive for Covid, his sad demise actually fits very well with the narrative that Covid seems to spare the young, the healthy and those who are not obese. Ash, I think you have failed your logic paper but bravo for not sending out a tweet largely designed to make you look good.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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