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Maria Miller MP – you are a greedy, sleazy pig – quit and pay back the £90,000

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Maria Miller MP is a former advertising executive. Her husband is a partner in a City law firm. So they are minted. But some greedy pigs just cannot get enough (of other folks cash) and the Culture Secretary is just such a pig. She should quit as an MP now and hand back £90,000 she has claimed as expenses in a way which may be legal ( it may not) but is just downright sleazy. If Dave Cameron wants to clean up politics he should fire this woman at once. He does not. And he will not.

In short Miller claimed £90,000 in expenses for here “second home” in London which is where her patents live. She said that her main home was a rented property in her Basingstoke seat. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards ruled that second homes must be “exclusively” for the use of MPs in fulfilling their parliamentary duties and that housing a politician’s parents was “specifically prohibited” by the rules.

So oink oink Miller engaged in a clear breach of the rules. She did this between 2005 and 2009 and then 10 days before the expenses scandal broke she stopped claiming. Since 2011 she has designated the property as her main home.
No doubt David Cameron will stand by Miller. And he wonders why we mere plebs ( whose taxes fund this sort of farce) view him and the entire political class with such open contempt.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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