Patsy is a real climate activist from Australia. My guess is that means she does not have a proper job. But in the tweet below, she explains the climate crisis. Last year, all that CO2 we emit caused a lack of rain and global warming so there were bushfires. Now that very same CO2 is causing too much rain so there are floods. Got it? Whatever the weather, man-made Co2 emissions and no other factor is to blame. You just cannot argue with the Ministry of Truth, can you?
If one accepts that the cause of every single weather event, lack of rain, too much rain, too hot, too cold, in fact any deviation at all from the long run average, is man-made climate change caused by C02 emissions, then almost every day of the year Patsy will be vindicated. Brilliant stuff.
Now you may point out that there were bushfires and floods all the way back through history before all these man-made emissions became an issue but that is an inconvenient truth. As far as I see, it is time for cash-strapped Winchester University to fire another lecturer in gender studies and to commission another £24,000 statue.