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Is Britain’s thickest MP Claudia “abolish every European” Webbe?

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 14 April 2021

I realise that there is stiff competition for this title but Claudia is a strong candidate. Ms Webbe was elected as  Labour MP but currently sits as an independent as she was suspended from the People’s party after her arrest for allegedly harassing another woman. The real scandal is not whether she is a stalker but just how someone so dim managed to become an MP in the first place.  A clue lies in her education at a string of joke former polytechnics.

Apparently, she studied Mathematics and Statistics at Coventry University, undertook the JNC Professional Qualification in Youth and Community Work at Birmingham University and studied social science at De Montfort University, Leicester, followed by a master’s degree in race and ethnic relations at Birkbeck, University of London and a post graduate in socio-legal studies at Nottingham Trent University. Great that looks like a real aversion to entering the workplace. But eventually she went to work for Ken Livingstone

Her latest outburst is prompted by a report on the lamentable BBC saying that rich people cause global warming. Whatever. Ms Webbe’s response on twitter was:

“Earth is overpopulated; there are too many rich people. To solve the climate crisis; the rich must be abolished”

Richest 1% in UK produce 11 times the carbon emissions of poorest 50%. Richest 10% of the world’s population produced 52% of all consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions.Eliminating energy and resource intensive lifestyles of the richest would by far rapidly reduce emissions”

“Confronting carbon inequality: Richest 10% (c.630 million people) were responsible for 52% of carbon emissions –depleting the global carbon budget by nearly a third (31%). Poorest 50% (c.3.1 billion people) were responsible for just 7% of emissions, used just 4% of budget.”

It is an interesting line but what Ms Webbe does not mention, as she tries to whip up anger among we poor impoverished dirty and smelly plebs in the red wall Northern places she would not think of visiting, is that folks on welfare in the UK still make it into the top 2.5% of the world’/s population on a rich poor table. So what she is in effect calling for is the elimination of almost every single person living in Europe, North America, Australasia and parts of Asia. In the Middle East a few Arab kleptocrats plus the entire population of Israel need to be “abolished”.

Hmmm maybe that final solution of Ms Webbe was picked up in that master’s degree in race and ethnic relations at Birkbeck?

Meanwhile as a grateful taxpayer I am delighted that last year as an MP in Leicester and also as a councillor in Islington (natch) Ms Webbe cost the taxpayer a mere £120,000. Truly money well spent on such a charming and intelligent individual.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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