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Things that became racist in 2021 – No 132 Cheese

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 15 April 2021

I sort of remember that cheese was first exposed as being racist back in 2020 along with sacking sacking a librarian for burning library books, women’s hockey, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, coffee, sand, pants, fried chicken, not dating a person of colour, dating a person of colour and so much else besides. But in case the evils of cheese have not yet been exposed, they have been now. I guess this mixed race household must start emptying the fridge at once.  Naturally it is from gender fluid crazy town, aka Brighton in Sussex, that this revelation comes.

Extinction Rebellion campaigner and committed vegan Alison Plaumer, when speaking at Brighton and Hove City Council said: “Arguably, there is a racist element to serving dairy too much because 65% of the world’s population are lactose intolerant, many from the BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) community.”

To deal with racist cheese and milk, which was slated as racist and Trumpian as long ago as 2019 – Ms Plaumer wants Brighton schools to have 2 totally vegan days per week. And who can argue now that we know that cheese is racist?

As it happens Ms Plaumer’s vegan diet may have affected her ability to offer up non misleading statistics. In the UK, according to the British Nutrition Foundation, only 5% of us have some form of lactose intolerance. It tends to be in places such as Africa and south America where folks drink very little milk that there is a high degree of lactose intolerance.  So this is not a genetic and race issue but one of culture and habit.

Thus BAME folk in Britain who are increasingly adopting a British diet will increasing become lactose tolerant. What Ms Plaumer proposes is divisive race baiting which, if anything, will slow the inevitable reduction in those of us who are lactose intolerant and so slow the path to heath equality. Maybe we have no need to empty the fridge here at the Welsh Hovel after all.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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