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Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - time for a snitch to call the fire brigade

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 1 May 2021

Am I becoming paranoid or is this my way of coping with the snitch culture in Holt near Wrexham? Anyhow, today, having checked the wind direction to ensure that any smoke headed to the open fields on the other side of the river Dee in England not towards any twitching curtains here in the rain sodden, second world, post industrial principality, we set off a big bonfire at the end of the large Ha Ha and flood defence being constructed.

This area has a stack of brushwood above earthen mounds containing mainly earth but also all sorts of buried nasties. So with cleared trees and rotten timber, left by the previous owner, today we set fire to it all. That will enable us to clear the mounds beneath the brush, safely – and at some cost – remove the asbestos, plastic and tyres we will find and then use the earth and stones to complete the building of the flood defence so that the listed barns are safe.

As you can see below, the earthen mound is now almost five foot high. With a bit more earth, seeded with grass and with a sandstone and brick Ha Ha at the end it will look stunning especially as the barns are cleaned of that white paint, ahead of repointing, next week.

No doubt some in-bred pest somewhere in the last village in Wales, will be taking offence and after finishing listening to Max Boyce’s greatest hits will be reporting to me to some pen pusher or other for an imaginary crime. What with the easing of lockdown, such creatures have fewer people to snitch on and so why not go for that newly arrived couple with English accents?   


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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