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Despising David Cameron – the Bradley Wiggins moment

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 24 July 2012

It is no secret that I regard our Prime Minister David Cameron with open contempt. I cannot remember ever thinking that he stood for much and as time has gone by what little he once stood for has been forgotten and abandoned. There has been so much that Cameron has done or not done which leads me to view him with contempt, but on Sunday his reaction to the victory of Bradley Wiggins in the Tour de France really just summed it up for me.

But before we turn to Cameron and Wiggins I ask you to humour me and watch Howard Roark speaking in his own defence in his trial in Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead.

I assume since you are reading this blog that you believe in the freedom of man and that a man can only be fulfilled if he strives for excellence and in doing so enriches both himself and society. As such, does not Roark move you greatly, spurring you on to try that bit harder? We may not all have the steely principle of Roark. We may all compromise. But Roark urges you to do better does he not?

And now to Cameron and Wiggins. I do not doubt the amazing achievement of Wiggins as the first British winner of the Tour. He is a great sportsman, a great role model and an all round good bloke. Given the array of trash human beings who get handed gongs these days I am in no doubt that he merits recognition for his achievement. In years gone by the PM would have quietly congratulated Wiggo and in due course in the next birthday honours he would have been Knighted.

But Cameron could not wait to let it be known that Wiggo would get a knighthood.

The man was only just off his bike and Call Me Dave was already ensuring that as Wiggins trended on twitter, the PM was right behind him, as the nation collectively shared in his joy. For Cameron it was not recognising achievement that mattered but being seen to being a leader by agreeing with everyone else. It is managing the news cycle so that you offer not leadership but gain popular approval.

This is a minor item. Just two weeks earlier we discovered how new plans by this Government in its “Justice and Security” bill, will suspend the right of even more suspects to know the charges brought against them as they are either held without trial or subjected to a Secret Court Hearing (i.e. one without a jury) or any external viewers. Did Cameron really come into politics to suspend 700 year old basic principles of civil liberties? But no doubt locking up a stack of Moslems will win support in the popular press and among swing voters, irrespective of whether they are guilty or innocent. That does not make it right.

There is the matter of the referendum he promised on Lisbon. But then dropped as it looked inconvenient. And then there are his oft repeated claims that he is cutting public spending to reduce the National debt when in fact he is doing nothing of the sort. Talk tough (folks like that) but do not act tough ( folks do not like actual cutbacks). Last week Dave was in Afghanistan talking of an orderly withdrawal of our troops in 2014 and a smooth handover in a secure environment. Rubbish. Does he think we are stupid? What he is saying is that we have two more years of body bangs coming back to Britain as we prop up a corrupt and useless regime. What he is not admitting is that as soon as we are gone ( as happened the last two times Britain invaded Afghanistan) our puppets will be chucked out and chaos will ensue.

Since we started with bikes, I had almost forgotten how Cameron showed his “green leadership” by cycling to work, neglecting to mention that he had a car following him carrying all his bags. He seeks approval, he does not lead.

I am afraid that the list goes on and on and on. David Cameron I despise you.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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