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Video - this is why British Jews now feel abandoned and terrified, it is time we non Jews must say #JeSuisJuif

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 25 May 2021

For one younger reader, please note the way that those who hate Jews in this video use the words Zionists and Jews interchangeably. When folks say they do not hate Jews just Zionists, they dissemble. They hate Jews. This video puts Britain to shame. It is no wonder that so many Jews feel terrified as never before. Why do we need Israel? Because at some point, if we as a nation do not stand up for the Jews, it will become just too terrifying for many folks to be Jewish in this country and in France and much of Europe. 

It would be a day of eternal shame for all of us if Jews are forced to flee Britain but at least Israel would offer those fleeing, one place on earth to be safe. But that can be prevented if, when we see Jew-hatred, we all speak out. I spent some time today tackling the Head Master of a large state school about the poison of antisemitism at his establishment. If he thinks that I shall let this issue drop then he is sadly mistaken. Now is the time when we must all do our part. Maybe all those who tweeted #JeSuisCharlie might be really brave and say, as some folks did at the Hebdo rallies, #JeSuisJuif.  

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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