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The Spectrum of Liberal insanity - Zionism is Queerphobic, queers for Palestine

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 21 June 2021

I bring you below some placards for a march next week in Chicago. I am not sure if this is a march for Pride or for Palestine, it matters little, but I suggest that those taking part may want to take my 3 part quiz for the woke community about Pride in the Middle East.

Put it this way, in the land ruled by those evil Zionists they would be free to join one of many Pride marches this month. On the other hand, in Gaza, should anyone be foolish enough to admit being queer they face ten years in the slammer which is why so many gay Arabs opt to go and live with those horrible queerphobic zionist scum in Israel.

Such is the nature of liberal insanity in 2021 – in the quest to say that “victims of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your chains” the liberal left sort of assume that all the supposed victims want to unite. The left chooses to wilfully ignore the reality that some groups of “victims” are not very keen on some other groups of “victims.” It is so much easier to pretend that it is one happy rainbow of love among the oppressed and that on the other side of the fence are those evil bloody Jews, capitalists, straight white men and other evil bastards…

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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