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Joshua’s Primary school introduction day cancelled because of Covid – the cowardice of Wrexham Council

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 24 June 2021

Parents had booked days off work, days at nursery were cancelled because this afternoon was meant to be an open day so we could find out more about the Primary school Joshua will start attending after the teachers have another day off from teaching in September, after six weeks away from the blackboard. But then, with just 48 hours notice, it was cancelled on orders from the local council to combat a surge in Covid cases in the area. Such cowardice and nonsense.

Wales is now the most vaccinated part of Britain. Over half of us are now fully vaccinated so anyone who is deemed vulnerable and is not jabbed has that status through choice. About 30% of us have had just one jab. So if any teacher at Holt Primary has not been jabbed it is their choice, their lookout.

And as a result of all this jabbing, the number of deaths here is now trivial. So far this month it has been two. Yes that is two in the whole bloody country in June. I am told that this makes it the 18th most common cause of death in Wales but I think that is untrue – Covid is way outside the premiership in the Welsh death leagues and at this rate relation from the Championship is on the cards.

But cases are rising. Since folks have been so widely jabbed, those testing positive seem to be surviving relatively unscathed because they are either jabbed or young folks who have shown real resistance to this killer plague where the survival rate is now well over 99%.

The local rag, however, reported on Monday that North wales saw 163 new cases, the biggest increase across the country. It then admitted, lower down the piece, this was from two days of data so the real number is likely to be half that. And that means there would have been only 10 new cases in the whole of the Wrexham district.

I asked the headmistress at Holt how many kids under 11 had Covid in Wrexham. She knows as do I that the answer is nil. You are going to struggle to find a covid positive adult but a kid? No chance. Yet while the pubs will be heaving on Saturday full of grown ups singing and dancing as mighty Wales takes on Denmark in the footy; while 2,500 VIPs can come to London without quarantine or vaccine to hob nob at the footy just as the toffs did at Ascot last week, little Joshua and his mates cannot wander around their school with or without fully vaccinated parents.

To what end? Is the new normal, pushed by wretches such as Wrexham Council, that we carry on with this madness for we plebs in the pretence that we can a) deliver zero covid and that b) this will make a real difference to life expectancy (which it cannot as the average covid death is at 84) while “important people” just carry on partying? I cannot wait to escape from this dystopian horror show and flee with Joshua to Greece.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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