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Joe Biden should be impeached for the biggest lies & humiliation in US history – Afghanistan

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 22 August 2021

Heck I would not have voted for him and warned folks he would be a disaster so don’t blame me. This journalist warned that Joe Biden had failing mental facilities during the election when a fawning BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media insisted that this was an alt-right lie and it was perfectly normal for a Presidential candidate to refuse to take any open press questions or suffer any real scrutiny.  Now folks: you reap what you sow. Afghanistan is the biggest humiliation America has faced since Vietnam. In fact it us more humiliating given the speed of the collapse from stability to helicopters on the embassy roof. And the lying by Joe Biden and others is off the scale. Surely it is worthy of impeachment, now that this is just a vehicle for political disapproval not a tool for removing a criminal President and given the relatively trivial matters that found Donald Trump, or indeed Bill Clinton, facing such an outcome?

The US has not suffered a combat fatality in Afghanistan for almost eighteen months. It had just 4,500 troops there and their presence gave a backbone to local forces that were holding the Taliban at bay and creating a society that was sort of tolerant and bearable. Joe Biden took the decision to pull out those troops though the Taliban had not completed any of the conditions set by President Trump when he discussed withdrawal, just to win votes in the mid-terms. To frame that decision as pulling out to avoid more large scale troop commitments and also fatalities is thus a blatant lie.

To blame Trump, as Biden did, for this catastrophe, is unfair. He set conditions for a withdrawal. Those conditions were not met but Sleepy Joe decided to withdraw anyway.

Biden then blamed cowardly Afghan soldiers. To insult an army which has lost 67,000 soldiers to the Taliban as one not prepared to fight is just an atrocious lie and smear. For that alone Biden is a national disgrace.

He could have maintained a low level US presence and so ensured peace and stability. He did not. He got it wrong as a tawdry electoral gambit and what has ensued has been a disaster. Seeing mothers throw their babies over barbed wire at Kabul airport tonight in the hope that soldiers might let their offspring leave is a new low point, a new reason why Biden and other Western leaders such as Boris Johnson are a disgrace. This is worse than Suez but where are the apologies or the resignations.

Every-day things just get worse. The British Government has been almost as hopeless as the US one and it too has lied about what is and what will be happening including only now starting to admit that many of those who helped British forces over the past 20 years will now be murdered as will their families. There will be thousands butchered for helping the Americans too. Those are folks Biden said he’d rescue. He betrayed them and then lied.

I am ashamed to be British and just feel saddened and disgusted. Being able to say “you were, as I said at the time, wrong” to those folks who said they were voting for Biden as he could not be worse than the other guy, is no consolation at all. It is just so horrible to think about and consider.

Biden is now hopelessly compromised and shamed. I was pretty sure that the mid terms would see big GOP gains, possibly enough to take control of both the House and the Senate, but as the Biden induced bloodshed in Afghanistan intensifies and as more and more lies are exposed, the Democrats will pay a high price. As to the 2024 election: it is surely inconceivable that Sleepy Joe will even run. Of course his VP Kamala Harris is also wildly unpopular and will be partly blamed for the Afghan fiasco so she is not a slam dunk cert to get the nomination. If the GOP can unite around a half decent candidate it can prevail.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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