What with my actual work, childcare, cooking and other matters it was about ten at night before I started to deal with the trug full of spring onions that was the 2021 harvest. The Mrs headed off to bed mutterng dark words about the inevitability of me spreading dirt in the kitchen. I am delighted to say that though dirt was spread, it was all cleaned up and there were no complaints in the morning, on that score at least.
Chopping, cleaning and bagging so many onions cannpt be considered interestng work. It is at times like this I ponder if any of my Oxford contemporaries are spending their time doing similar chores. I find it hard to believe that Jacob Rees Mogg would know one end of a spring onion from another. I am sure that the blessed E toils as I do in her splendid gardens but somehow I suspect that few of our peers are storing away food from their land for the winter. They are too busy doing things like running the country or presenting Channel 4 News to bother.
Just wait until the shelves, even in stores frequented by media and poltical plutocrats, run empty at Christmas. E and I shall have the last laugh at that point.