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Proud to say that the Mrs is going to be what the comrades term a “scab” as greedy & overpaid lecturers are going on strike

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 14 November 2021

The Mrs will be crossing the picket lines at her University and breaking the planned strike by the University Lecturers Union for this strike is utterly unjustifiable. Somehow, I think that the country will not grind to a halt as the massed ranks of liberal arts lecturers withdraw their valuable labour. But I am proud that my wife will not be joining her grostequely well paid colleagues on the picket line, but will be breaking the line and going into work to continue to fill impressionable young folk’s head with valuable insights into a Marxist analysis of the exploitation of labour. 

The TaxPayers Alliance nails just how indefensible this action is. I quote:

“Our latest research has found the cost of recent university strikes is equivalent to the tuition fees for 10,285 British undergraduates’ degrees. Since 2018, the total cost of the 36 strike days is £285.4 million, equivalent to £8 million per day.

The University and College Union (UCU) once again balloted this month over pensions alongside pay and working conditions for staff. The fresh wave of strikes come after students faced a year or more of online lectures and disruption, due to strike days and the covid pandemic.

The UCU is led by one of the top 20 best-paid trade union bosses. It has pursued strike action over pensions despite concerns about the generosity of existing schemes. According to the latest Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, the higher education USS pension scheme is in the top 20 per cent of contributors. It is also in the top half of the most generous public sector schemes.”


It is not as if these folks are badly paid.  According to “Based on the 2018/19 HE Single Pay Spine and the typical 2019/20 university grade system, the average possible salary for university staff in the UK is: £40,761 for a Lecturer, £51,590 for a Senior Lecturer, £64,356 for an Associate Professor and £90,891 for a Professor.”

Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Greedy bastards. Do such overpaid, over-pensioned individuals with long holidays and sabatticals to produuce research few will ever read, really think that the average Brit, on c£27,000, will have any symptahy at all for them at all. Oddly, many of them do which just shows how cut off from reality they have become.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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