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Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: As we move onto the Long Cold Winter the woodpile grows again, Pa Ingalls would be proud

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 15 November 2021

Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter.  At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.

I am not sure what the wildlife at the Welsh Hovel is saying but the days are getting colder. As I point out HERE and HERE, there are already signs elsewhere in the world that we will see some very cold times ahead.  Natch, that will be dismissed as extreme weather which is all part of the narrative of the global warming cult. Cue: Carrie Antoinette and her poodle husband implementing more green taxes to increase fuel poverty among the poor.

But back at the Welsh Hovel I have got more logs in. As you can see below the left-hand section of big logs is now five foot high while the medium sized logs section in the middle is six foot, five foot and a foot high depending on rank. Even my small logs section on the right is stacking up nicely and next to it is a growing pile of kindling twigs and bark.

Since this photo was taken I have added another two wheelbarrows of logs taken from piles elsewhere and there are still stacks of uncut branches to process. But I reckon that I now have enough logs to see us all through the winter. Pa Ingalls would be proud of Joshua and me for our efforts.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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