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The doctor at the centre of the Omicron "epidemic" says on the basis of hard data Boris Johnson and the UK are panicking

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 28 November 2021

I noted on Friday that in South Africa, where the new strain of Covid has emerged, the number of fatalities and indeed the number of hospitalisations is the same as the number of times I have shagged Cheryl Cole this week. That is to say, zero.  All viruses mutate in a Darwinian way. To ensure species survival those that are more transmissable tend to be weaker, killing the host makes no sense. But, of course, mask jihadists – which includes almost everyone at the BBCas well as most of the villagers where I live here in lockdown Wales, say that one must “liste to the science”. I offer hard data they offer doom and say that only scientists – as opposed to those who earn a living analysing data – are allowed a view. The fanatics want the State to strangle our liberties and the economy again. So here is a doctor fighting this strain at the centre of the epidemic appearing,amazingly, on the BBC today. Watch what she has to say on the basis of hard data and take that as your cue to resist Sajid, Boris and the rest of the deranged control fascists now running Airstrip One. Watch the video quickly before Youtube removes it for being what Prince Harry would term fake news.



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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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