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Punching bad Germans is funny says lefty Radio 4 comedian Jenny Eclair

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 29 November 2021

If a comedian appears on any BBC Radio 4 show the two things that you can guarantee is that they are 1) left wing and 2) Not in the slightest bit funny. “Trump, Nazi, wanker”. Cue screams of laughter from elitist London audience. And then there will be a blatantly racist and sexist one about Trump’s Mrs being dumb as proven by her accent and how she clearly slept her way to the White House. Cue more howls of laughter from the moronic London middle classes. So that brings us to Jenny Eclair…

At a full on statist she, naturally, thinks the Government can force us to wear face nappies although there is no evidence that this has any effect on stopping the spread of Covid. Any anyone who disputes hard data and fails to be a Good German, should be punched. Boy how they liked that one over at broadcasting house…

I am on a train on Saturday. I do hope I am in the same carriage as Ms Eclair but as I don;t travel first class and my train is heading towards London from the freezing North, somehow I doubt that I will be. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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