What I would love to see in terms of coffee shop diversity is a range of small,independent shops where the folks don’t write your name on a plastic cup but know your name and say hell and chat to you. What Starbucks wants to see is all those stores cleansed from High Streets so that all High Streets look similar with the same big names selling the same mass produced preoducts, a total lack of diversity. But Starbucks cannot wait to tell us how diverse it is, it is a champion virtue signaller..
As you can see below, it boasts how it pays shite wages to folks from a diverse range of ethnic and religious backgrounds and of all ages. Truly, it is an equal opportunties exploiter paying blacks, whites,muslims, Christians, young and old the same miserly £8.21 an hour for entry level baristas. The way it shits on its diverse workforce is admirable and with such a low cost base and those massive economies of scale it will be able to send many more independent stores to the wall,making our town centres even less diverse.
All hail Starbucks.