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"My Body My Choice" - Hooters in Liverpool and abortion

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 10 February 2022

The slogan is one used by those who want a woman’s right to murder an unborn baby protected at all costs. It is her body she can do whatever she wants with it and with what is inside it.  I do not agree with this for reasons I have articulated many times but I accept that it is a line of argument some use. However, there is an application to open a Hooters Bar in Liverpool just up the road from me. The picture below is of a number of young ladies dressed in the er … corporate uniform.

The Mayor of Liverpool and the local Police and Crime Commissioner have both objected.  A Labour councillor, Maria Toolan, has branded the bar “an archaic and chauvinistic brand” and a petition is being raised against it. But surely if a capitalist wants to risk his or her capital on opening a bar which “modernists “ view as archaic that is their call. And nobody is forced to work at Hooters. Those young ladies who opt to do so earn good bucks and as it is their body, how they dress for work is surely their choice?

Or does “my body my choice” only apply to women who want to murder babies rather than those who want to get a well paid 100% legal job? I guess, as it is 2022, rather sadly, the answer to my question is YES.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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