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The Wicked Witch Cherie Blair gets a CBE, £60k to the Tories gets you a gong too – Pass the Honours List sick bag

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 29 December 2012

Bradley Wiggins gets the New Year gongs headlines. But it is the CBE for the Wicked Witch that has caused early morning nausea chez Winnifrith. Cherie Blair has been honoured for her charity work both through the Cherie Blair Foundation and directly as patron of various good causes. Fair enough. But that the Wicked Witch had the time and money to do these things is a result of the vast earnings her husband the War Criminal makes from advising dodgy regimes across the globe and her own vast earnings as a lawyer profiting from the daft human rights legislation that she pushed for and the War Criminal passed into law.

It is thanks to “human rights” legislation that the War Criminal and the Wicked Witch drove through that Abu Qatada is spending Christmas in his luxury state funded house milking the benefits system. It is thanks to that legislation that murderers are going to get IVF treatment paid for by you and me. The list goes on and on.

The damage done to this country by the Wicked Witch is immeasurable. That she is as a result of what she has done rich enough to patronise some charities only adds to the horror of the whole affair. To award her a gong as a bonus is the final insult.

Away from the wicked witch at least four big Tory donors have picked up gongs – if you have a spare £60,000 and want to send a cheque to the Conservative party c/o honest Call Me Dave you too could get a CBE next year. I am sure there is no connection whatsoever it is just one of life’s happy coincidences. Just like it was last year. The head of the Metropolitan Police Bernard Hogan Howe gets a gong despite morale in the Met being at an all time low and his deep personal involvement in the Plebgate scandal. So that is a reward for success then. Kate Bush gets a CBE in recognition of the fact that she last had a hit single more than 20 years ago. And Tracy Emin gets a CBE for services to unmade beds.

The list goes on and on…does anyone take this annual farce seriously any more?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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