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ITV finds the dumbest person in the whole of Wales as our leaders plan to spunk £15m a year on more politicians

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 11 May 2022

An ageing population, more covid deaths (pro rata) than England, a post-industrial and weak economy and a piss poor rugby team, Wales has real problems. So what is the answer? Of course: we need more politicians!

With a population of 330 million the USA gets by with 535 members of Congress (617,000 punters per Congressperson). With a population of 3.1 million here in Wales the Senedd  - which decides only some of what happens in Wales with much decided in Westminster – already has 60 Members (52,000 punters per AM).But apparently we need more AMs and so Labour and the cottage burning loons of Plaid Cymru are steamrollering through a proposal to inverse the assembly to 96 AMs ( 32,300 taxpayers per non productive parasite).

Each AM earns £67,640 per annum and in their last four year term the AMs claimed a collective £5.7 million in expenses. Some of the scams, sorry legitimate claims, including the cottage burner who claimed £78 for colouring pencils are detailed HERE.  We are told the all-in cost of the plan is £15 million.

Great. There are pot holes in my street. My local school says it is underfunded. Hospital waiting lists are at record levels, the Welsh Government pleads poverty so let’s solve everything by providing incredibly well paid jobs for 36 more halfwits to add to the 60 already sharing their halitosis in Cardiff Bay.

The media and political classes here in Wales are part of a corrupt alliance and so when ITV Wales interviewed folks in a Cardiff Street last night, most of those speaking were naturally in favour of the plan.  But their reasons were a hoot. There was a BAME women who said more AMs would mean more diversity. There was a young person with dyed hair who said more AMs would mean more young folks becoming AMs.

But the best was a young person who insisted that if we had more AMs then the English parliament would pay more attention to what the Welsh assembly said. Jeepers where do they find such stupid people? Tell you want: how about all 3.12 million of us become AM’s, then that will really solve all our problems herein Wales and with that many AM’s it is not just the English infidels but folks across the world who will quake and bend a knee to the deliberations of the Senedd.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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