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Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - those long promised garden shots

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 24 July 2022

I hear that there was a near biblical deluge yesterday and it looks like there is plenty of rain ahead back at the Welsh hovel. And I have a couple of assistants going in to water both the garden and the big lawn so I hope I shall return to something in good shape. As long promised, here is what I have turned the jungle into. The project is far from finished but its no longer a jungle.

Over the winter I hope to add in some peach and apple trees at the top of the patch and against the fence on the right hand side as it is that area that I plan to set up a couple of bee hives one day. I shoukd say that we are not shoret of apples, the old orchard is dripping and I reckon that it will generate dozens, if not a hundred, bottles of apple juice this year. Now back to the jungle, below each photo a description of what you see

On the far right broad beans tranche one ( now harvested) then tranche 2 with other beans. To the left of tranche two potatoes (tranche 2), shallots, and behind the spuds are onions. In froont of the shallots are three rows of grown from seed carrorts, cabbages and leeks. This is Wales!

Onions, spuds (tranche 2, tranche one is harvested), shallots

This areas contain spuds (tranche 3), peas, beetroot and turnips – non showing as of two weeks ago.


More squashes

L to R: spring onions, lettuces ( now harvested) and chillies. Unseen are rows of newly planted radishes

Chillies, peppers, courgettes and squashes

Tomatoes grown from seed

On the left tomatoes grown from small plants, at the bottom red cabbages, elsewhere the strawberries with two very long rows of radishes now planted in between them.

Back to the beans again. to the right some of the sixty fruit bushes planted where I have already cropped the gooseberries, and currants and the odd early raspberry. I hope for blueberries, raspberries aplenty and blackberries on my return

Now harvested garlic. It is now drying in my food shed and should be threaded and hanging inside by mid August.

The lavender wall in full bloom. I hope that it will still be blooming on my return so that I can make litres more lavender cordial

Pot bought tomatoes

The onions

More red cabbage with shallots and spuds (T2) to the right. There are a few more onions grown from seed at the ends of the shallot row.

I missed out a herb garden the same siuze as the spring onion/lettuce/radish bed which has flourished this year as has the old herb garden up with a second batch of strawberries past the new orchard. Elswhere i also missed out a bed containing broccoli and swedes but, as yet, nothing is showing there either. 

I hope there has been enough water deployed. All wiull become clear in about three weeks. But what was the jungle is already demonstrably productive.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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