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Christopher Booker will spin in his grave as the Daily Telegraph hits new depths of global warming fake news

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 16 August 2022

Though on the payroll of the Sunday Telegraph, Chris actually cancelled his Daily Torygraph two years before he died as he found it just too ghastly: woke, metropolitan and innacurate. For a man of the countryside, of his beloved Somerset, the Torygraph had become a beast from another planet. And that brings me to the photo and article below frm last week.

The Torygraph cannot get enough of the drought, arguing that it is evidence of global warming. It is not alone. Peter Hitchens today flags up the FT for showing pictures of the Rhine at its lowest point in history. Except that it was much lower in 2018 so that is more fake news from the FT. The papers all say that rivers across Europe are drying up. As I drove through France last week I stopped by the mighty Saone, full to the brim. As was the Marne and almost every other river I saw. I am sure that many rivers are running low but many are not, even at the height of summer. Oddly the MSM fails to report that.

As to the Telegraph, its picture is of a field completely brown  which it says are down to prolonged dry conditions. I guess that is what folks born and bred in the big Cities really think. You and I might spot the bales dotted across the field. This is a corn field which has just been cut. Corn is brown when cut so the brown you see are the bottoms of the stalks. This photo has nothing to do with water shortages or global warming it is about what happens on a farm in late summer. Not that all the London based Camillas and Henrys, who got their jobs on the Telegraph through nepotism and duly churn out the GroupThink, would know that. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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