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Pssst Don’t tell the BBC – but the Dems are about to lose the House!

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 20 November 2022

The BBC has reported every Democrat Triumph from the mid terms, before during and after it happened. That is to say retaining control of the Senate, though it may still be 50/50 after the Georgia run off on December 6. But on a night when the Republicans won more state governors and the popular vote there is still the matter of the House which for the past two years has been run by the Dems… All bar 12 contests have now been called and…

The Republicans currently have net gains of 8 and are on 217. That means if they can win just 1 of 12 remaining races the GOP will seize control of the House. That means no more impeaching of ex-President Trump and a real route to blocking all of the more extreme and the odd semi-sensible idea that President Biden comes up with. We might even have proceedings to investigate the Biden crime family including “The Big Guy,” Mr 10% himself.

Oddly as the GOP has inched ever closer to 218 seats the BBC and the rest of the liberal media has ignored the Hose completely as it does not quite fit with the Dem triumph narrative. The race in Co 3 is 99% counted and the GOP is more than 1000 votes ahead. Might that call soon? Or are we waiting for a batch of mail in votes which all go to the Dems? Nothing would shock me any more.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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