Normally the Guardian does it utmost to talk down Britain. Especially after Brexit, we are just shit at everything. But today it celebrates the fact that we are in the top 4 globally for our supportive attitudes to: abortion, divorce, casual sex, prostitution, LGBT rights and “assisted dying.” We are not quite up their with Canada in terms of killing off the disabled or those who can;‘t hold down a job but we are top 4.
The UK scores badly in the world league tables for STD transmission but cases are rising sharply and I am sure that in feeling positive about the surging numbers the UK probably scores pretty well on that ranking too.
How can anyone feel positive about abortion and divorce, Accepting it is one thing but shouldn;t we always regard any baby murder or divorce as a less than optimal outcome?
At least we can all celebrate the day we thought would never come: the Guardian holding Britain out as world beaters.