In years gone by, almost my first phone call when arriving at the Greek Hovel in spring was to my late uncle, Christopher Booker, to discuss the state of global warming in the area. This year my uncle and godfather would have been especially delighted as you can see below.
The first photo is from the drive to the hovel and you can see snow covered peaks in the taygetos mountains in the far distance. The second is from near the newest Church in Kambos, at the high point of the village. The snow covered peaks are very clear there. And this is not all old snow.
On Easter Sunday we lunched a bit higher up in the mountains with mad lefties L&G and the global warming on the high taygetos was very clear for all to see. According to L&G the most recent falls had been just three days previously on April 6. Of course that has always been the way here in the Southernmost part of mainland Europe. But it is not folks like myself or my late uncle who insist that the actions of mankind are causing the climate to change. It is not folks like us who isupport teachers back in Wales terrifying my six year old son by telling him that the world will soon burn to a crisp unless we all change our wicked ways.
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