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The Daily Mail shows live footage of Russian soldiers being shot – so what you say? It tells you everything

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 20 June 2023

I am afraid I do not get much of a kick out of one human being killing another. I like to think that we as a species have evolved from the days when we used to go to watch gladiators killing each other or Christians thrown to the Lions. But maybe we have not. Maybe we can “other” certain races and still enjoy those maulings and deaths.

Back in the 1940s Jews were considered fair game by certain folks. Today it is Russians, branded as Orcs or Nazis who are fair game. Look at the social media comments about that Russian lad eaten by a shark a couple of weeks ago in Egypt. Boy, how many in the est cheered on the shark. There was no consideration of the suffering involved, just a celebration that a man was dead as he was a Russian.

The footage in the Mail HERE is horrible but is shown across social media and the MSM as part of our daily diet of Russian tanks being blown up and Russian soldiers killed. But this is graphic. Just five months ago as we celebrate Holocaust Memorial Day every pious liberal in the mediasphere stood up to lecture us about how me must never “other” a race again. Yet apparently Russians can be othered. Shame on us all.

And of course, there is another reason for this footage appearing. It is to persuade us that the Spring, sorry Counter, Offensive is on track. But, as I explained HERE, it clearly is very much not on track. Three weeks in and Ukraine rattles off a fairly short list of villages, some consisting of just a few houses that it has recaptured. But the reality is that it has lost vast numbers of troops and expensive western kit and has yet to reach, let along breach, the first main line of Russian defences. It is nowhere near.

Showing some more Russians getting a bullet in the head might lift morale among the citizens of Western countries footing the bill for this bloodshed but it is not altering the outcome. At some point Ukraine must stop rejecting offers from African leaders, the Pope and others and talk peace before donor fatigue sets in amid the harsh reality of a war not going that well. The terribly slow progress by Ukraine in the Counter offensive, at a horrible human cost might just bring that peace process a bit closer.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe you all enjoying seeing Russian folks shot dead or mailed by sharks as you deem all 145 million Russians “untermenschen” and are happy to pay ever higher taxes so you can see more, though the killing achieves nowt. But not in my name.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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