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HMV Follows Jessops and goes bust – who is next?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 15 January 2013

It is amazing what cobblers some folk spout. HMV (LSE:HMV) has gone bust. It follows hard on the heels of Jessops which headed to retail heaven earlier this week. Chuka Umunna, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, called HMV a “national institution” and described the news as “deeply worrying” Yeah right. What next Chuka? Blame it all on Margaret Thatcher or global warming? HMV is not a national institution it was a commercial enterprise that like British Leyland or coal mines in Yorkshire that had run out of coal was just past its sell by date. In the old days, cretins like Umunna would probably have called for a state subsidy. Now they just blame it on the Tories and wring their hands in a pathetic fashion. The demise of HMV was inevitable, it could not even be saved by soaraway sales of CDs by the UK’s leading chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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