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Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - almost the last of the Asbestos

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 16 August 2023

One of my jobs last week concerned what was almost the last of the asbestos which was almost everywhere when we arrived four years ago. Buried just underground in the fields, just dumped in the long grass, on sheds, and on the roof of three porches, it was everywhere.

Now there is just the ceiling of what will be the chicken barn to go. This lot below, picked up from around the farm, was stored in the late lunamented snake barn. I bagged it up with Robert who demolished that barn. Wel I held the bags, Robert who is stronger than I and who was masked and gloved put it in. Asbestos is heavy.  And then we headed to Wrexham tip where, if double bagged, asbestos can be dumped in a private area away from public view. And now its gone, a real burden off my shoulders.

The chicken shed is a job for this winter. I will get in professionals so that the poor chickens have a safe house and so that when, in due course, my grieving young widow comes to sell the place she can say, honestly, its asbestos free so adding materially to its value.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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