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Only in the Guardian: footpaths are racist!

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 21 September 2023

My family is a bit unusual in these parts. My wife is a person of colour and my kids mixed race. But 97% of folks in this part of the world are white, as opposed to 87% of the overall population. When we lived In Bristol, a big City, the ethnic percentage, at 16% was above the national norm. Non white folks are more likely to live in big Cities than out here in the boonies. that is just a statement of fact.

In the countryside we have lots of footpaths, far more than in the Cities. In the Cities they have far more and better public transport than we have out here in the sticks. So naturally the Guardian is running a headline “white people missing out on public transport provision.” No it is not. That would be ridiculous just like saying that folks of color are suffering from footpath deprivation as if it was designed to be that way. Yet ,Cambridge educated, guilty, white, liberal Patrick Barkham runs with the story anyway. Only in the Guardian.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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