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The Hamas victory parties in London and Sydney last night, the West needs to root out these vermin

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 10 October 2023

In Sydney they lit up the Opera House with Israeli flags to show solidarity after the weekend pogrom by Hamas where the death toll is now over a thousand including 40 babies found killed, usually by beheading, at a Kibbutz this afternoon.  The babies are not combatants. Killing Jewish babies is what the Nazis did to stop the “virus” spreading on another generation. Even the Nazis did not usually behead the babies.  Most decent folks in the West are repelled by what Hamas did but in Australia a crowd of several hundred gathered near the opera house…

Waving Palestine flags they chanted “fuck the Jews, gas the Jews”. No mention of Israelis this was Jews, the mask has slipped, or rather folks who hate Jews just don’t bother pretending they just hate Israel anymore. Emboldened by Western liberals saying that the pogrom was the fault of Israeli occupation and adding Palestinian flags to their twitter accounts as the nature of the atrocities in Israel becomes ever more abhorrent, the Jew haters feel they can say what they want.

It is not just in Australia. The scenes below were in London last night outside the Israeli embassy. Today 45 UK Muslim leaders have written a letter condemning those who describe the Hamas butchers as “terrorists”.  That we live with such vermin able to act with seeming impunity is terrifying. More and more British Jews fear for their safety in this toxic climate and the Police are failing to use the powers they have.

Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation and thus stating your support for it can land you in jail for up to 14 years. How about the 45 clerics and the entire staff of Novara Media are rounded up and charged for starters. And then those at the victory parties held across the UK in the past 48 hours, calling for ethnic cleansing of the Jews by chanting “From the River to the Sea” should be charged with hate crimes. Why not?

Why will the West not make a stand and say that enough is enough.  We have values here and if folks do not like those values and prefer a culture where beheading Jewish babies is fine and dandy then by all means fuck off and go live in Gaza. Nobody is stopping you. And please take Jeremy Corbyn with you.



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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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